The 2015 NAEP scores were released at midnight. For the first time in many years, the scores in math and reading were flat or declining. The story was the same across the nation. DC boasted of fourth grade gains but overlooked no gains in eighth grade and the biggest achievement gaps of any urban district  in the nation.

Excepting the 4th grade gains in DC, the Race to the Top winning states made no gains. One of them, Maryland, saw significant declines. I will write in more detail in the morning.

Duncan said:

“Big change never happens overnight,” Duncan said. “I’m confident that over the next decade, if we stay committed to this change, we will see historic improvements.”

Bill Gates said the same thing a few years ago. Something like “it will take at least 10 years to know whether this stuff works.”

Should it occur to them that churn, disruption, and chaos are not good for children? The 2015 NAEP scores are a national commentary on the failure of what they call reform, but what others see as reckless experimentation on other people’s children.

Race to the Top is a flop. Let it go. NCLB failed. It left many children behind. Stop funding failure. Stop making excuses.