Congress is waiting to hear from you! The Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee is working on a reauthorization of NCLB. They have solicited feedback from the public, but the deadline for input is February 2nd. Committee Chairman Lamar Alexander has said he wants to finalize a draft bill by the end of February.

Over 1,500 NPE supporters have already written to Congress to #EndAnnualTesting. Our goal is to get 2,000 letters by the February 2nd deadline.

Click here to write your letter today!

NPE’s letter writing campaign makes it possible to send your letter with just a few clicks. Send our sample letter, create you own using our helpful talking points, or go it on your own; the choice is yours!

NPE has been following the hearings closely, and will continue to keep you updated on the issues that matter to you. Perhaps the most remarkable thing about the first two hearings is that at both the Senators have had the opportunity to hear powerful teacher voices.

Please take the time to watch NYC filmmaker Michael Elliot’s gripping short film, featuring teacher of conscience Jia Lee, and her testimony before the first hearing of the HELP Committee.

At the second hearing, National Board Certified teacher and NEA member Rachelle Moore provided Senators with another strong example of teacher voice. Moore, an advocate for training and retaining quality teachers, masterfully fielded questions from the Committee.
You can read her written testimony here or watch the entire hearing here.

“We are highly trained and committed professional, the ones most invested in student success, the ones in direct contact with students day in and day out. Listen to our voices. Invest in us. Trust and support us.”
NPE thanks Jia Lee and Rachelle Moore for their courage, and for so eloquently representing teacher voice in Washington, DC.

Don’t miss this opportunity to make your voice heard.

Time is running out to join NPE in asking Congress to #EndAnnualTesting. Send your letter today!

Today is the last day to take advantage of Early Bird Registration rates for the 2nd Annual Network for Public Education Conference!

Register today, and be a part of the movement to save our schools!

We look forward to seeing you in Chicago!