Mike Klonsky reports on the deal that preceded the privatization of the jobs of custodians in Chicago. It’s a shocker.

“It was SEIU Local 73 leader Christine Boardman who first signed onto Rahm’s $340 million sub-contracting deal with Aramark and SodexoMagic (magic, my ass) in the first place. These two contracts combined make it one of the largest privatization moves of any school district in the nation. Under the agreements, SodexoMAGIC oversees 33 schools, while Aramark oversees the remaining 500-some district-run schools.

“Boardman then put icing on her sell-out with a $25,000 contribution to Rahm’s campaign war chest. Ugh! She’s dirtier than a a CPS bathroom.

“But what about progressive SEIU Local 1 Pres. Tom Balanoff? Why so quiet, Tom?”

The privatization has produced dirty schools, rats, roaches, and the layoff of nearly 500 custodians.