From: “Parents Unified for Local School Education (PULSE)”

Date: August 26, 2014, 7:04:33 AM EDT

Subject: Statement from PULSE on Newark Boycott

Statement from PULSE

On December 19, 2013, the Superintendent of Newark Public Schools announced the “One Newark Plan,” which threatens to displace students from their neighborhood schools. In response, Parents Unified for Local School Education (PULSE) is currently working with the Newark community, particularly in the South Ward, to implement a boycott of the Newark Public Schools starting on September 4th, 2014.

The ‘NPS Boycott 4 Freedom’ is an act of resistance and a statement against the One Newark Plan – Governor Christie and Superintendent Cami Anderson’s destructive practices. These practices have consistently worked to tear our communities and schools apart, leaving our schools and students in need of resources, and community driven neighborhood schools that are culturally relevant and responsive to the needs of the students and community. The parents and community members of Newark can no longer allow these practices that are not only lacking research and democratic ideals, but will potentially harm our children, and community. Governor Christie and Superintendent Cami Anderson are not acting upon our concerns, and we have decided to escalate our actions so that they can no longer continue to ignore our concerns. This boycott is a statement to all that the people of Newark demand the right to run and operate the school district through a democratically elected and empowered school board; in other words, local control of schools. We cannot allow Governor Christie, the state appointed Cami Anderson and the One Newark Plan to dictate how we educate our children.

The most recent revelation as written about in Bob Braun’s Ledger on August 13th regarding the long overdue plans for safe transport of our children under the One Newark Plan reveals that Superintendent Cami Anderson is woefully unprepared. The plan is deficient, if not dangerous, and will not even be implemented until well after the school year begins. We will not allow our children’s safety to be jeopardized by a superintendent and plan that does not care about our children. We will not subject our children to the malfeasance of the NPS leadership. We will do what is right for our children.

Starting in August PULSE has organized community canvasses to discuss the boycott with residents, focusing on the South Ward, and to gain support. The response can best be characterized as relief that there is a movement growing to provide an alternative to the One Newark Plan.

We are working with community leaders, clergy, teachers, nurses and elected officials to ensure there is a clear understanding of the purpose and plan for the boycott. We are establishing Freedom School locations that will provide safe educational environments for the children participating in the boycott. This boycott will succeed when our community demonstrates solidarity in the face of Governor Christie’s callous disregard for the people of Newark and the destructive One Newark Plan being implemented by his state appointed Superintendent. We all have important roles to play in the boycott.

We welcome support and look forward to working with all of us who share the vision of ensuring our children have equal access to excellent public education in a Newark Public School district under local leadership.

General Inquiries:

call 973 544-8359

What is needed:

Phone bankers
For Freedom Schools
Food Donations

For volunteers click here : Help now!

P.O. Box 22645
Newark, New Jersey

Parents Unified for Local School Education | P.O. Box 22645 | Newark | NJ | 07102