Teachers, time to make your voices heard!

Parents, help your children’s teachers get fair treatment!

Students, you need teachers who can speak truth without fear!

Teachers should not be fired for teaching “The Invisible Man.” Teachers should not be fired for opposing war. Teachers should not be fired for allowing students to express controversial views. Teachers should have due process, the right to a fair hearing.

Time to speak up!

There’s an important conversation happening Thursday night, and we need your help—and your tweets—to make sure the right questions are asked.

Former journalist Campbell Brown is going on “The Colbert Report” to spin a new lawsuit she’s pushing in New York state. It’s a copycat of Vergara v. California, and it would strip New York’s teachers of key job protections like due process.

Brown’s organization—ironically named the Partnership for Educational Justice—has hired some of the fanciest PR firms in the country, including the firm that ran Mitt Romney’s online program in 2012, to sell its snake oil. This will be her first big media appearance to sell it.

Brown is hoping to get softball questions and spin them to blame teachers. But there’s one big question she doesn’t want to get: Who’s funding these attacks?

Brown refuses to disclose her donors, but we know she’s deeply connected in the corporate “reform” crowd. Her husband even sits on the board of StudentsFirstNY!

We need to make sure Campbell Brown doesn’t get a free pass from the press. We’re launching #Questions4Campbell to make sure our voices are heard every time she makes an appearance.

Will you ask Stephen Colbert to make Campbell Brown answer the right questions? You can just click any of the suggested tweets below, or write your own using #Questions4Campbell and tagging @StephenAtHome.

Why won’t @campbell_brown disclose her funders? Afraid Americans might not like what they see? #questions4campbell @StephenAtHome

The usual anti-teacher funders: Walton. Koch. Wall St. Silicon Valley. Who’s funding @campbell_brown? #questions4campbell @StephenAtHome

Just “holding the coats” or pulling the strings? @campbell_brown doesnt speak for this NY parent. #questions4campbell for @StephenAtHome

One of your “student plaintiffs” has a parent who’s paid by StudentsFirstNY. Conflict of interest? #questions4campbell for @StephenAtHome

You’re against due process for teachers. Who else shouldn’t have rights, @campbell_brown? #questions4campbell on @StephenAtHome

Campbell Brown and her friends want to sell you the same “blame teachers” line we’ve seen from Michelle Rhee and right-wing politicians for years. They’ll tell you tenure means a job for life and that due process makes it impossible to dismiss ineffective teachers. Now, emboldened by a radical ruling in California, they’re spreading this misinformation across the country, starting in New York.

Their claims couldn’t be further from the truth. In New York, teachers are granted tenure—and due process protections—after three years of success in the classroom. Once your boss grants you tenure, due process simply means he or she must produce just cause to discipline or terminate you. Due process gives teachers the protections to speak up for their students, stop cronyism and innovate in the classroom.

Campbell Brown is hoping to cruise through her media appearances unchallenged. But news shows and the media are paying more and more attention to social media.

Your tweets can be a powerful force in the fight to reclaim the promise of a high-quality public education for every child. Help us challenge the “blame teachers” crowd by adding your voice on Twitter right now.

In unity,

Randi Weingarten
AFT President