As we have seen in mainstream media coverage of the Common Core, there is a common–but fake–narrative about the Common Core. Secretary Duncan has repeatedly said that opposition to the Common Core comes from the far right, especially the Tea Party. We are also told that teachers like the Common Core. The underlying goal is to stigmatize critics and to belittle those who do speak up.

A good place to start with the Common Core is to look honestly at the source of the criticism and see whether there are legitimate concerns. Unfortunately, this is not happening, and states have been told that they can add content, but they can change nothing. This is bizarre, as no standards are ever perfect; all must have a process to redress grievances if they be just.

It is true that the two national teachers’ unions support the Common Core, and it is also true that both unions have accepted millions of dollars from the Gates Foundation to advocate on behalf of CCSS.

But teachers are increasingly resistant to the standardization that the CCSS requires, as well as to the tight linkage among the standards, the online federal tests, and the inevitable value-added-metrics that will be used to evaluate teachers. A very neat trap has been set that will use CCSS as the linchpin for test-based accountability. Unfortunately, the national media reports this reaction as teachers who are fearful of accountability,

Thus, don’t believe the oft-repeated tale that only the far right opposes CCSS. Anthony Cody reminded me that the Chicago Teachers Union was not alone in voting against CCSS. That vote, to my knowledge, has not been reported in the New York Times or other mainstream media. The Chicago Teachers Union, after long deliberation, voted unanimously in opposition to the CCSS.

On May 3, the delegate assembly of the Connecticut Education Association opposed high-stakes testing, VAM, and data mining of children and voted for reconsideration and review of CCSS.

On May 9-10, members of the Massachusetts Teachers Association elected Barbara Madeloni–an outspoken opponent of high-stakes testing–as their new president and passed resolutions opposing Corporate control of schools, including school takeovers and turnarounds. It passed a resolution seeking a moratorium on implementation of CCSS and PARCC.

So, yes, there is growing opposition and controversy swirling around Common Core. No, it is not a cause limited to the far right. In fact, some of the strongest supporters of CCSS are on the right, like Jeb Bush, Michelle Rhee, former Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels, and the Thomas B. Fordham Institute.

CCSS is one of the most divisive issues in American politics today. Many myths swirl around it, coming from all directions. A nation as big and diverse as ours does not lightly adopt national standards and federally funded online tests without careful deliberation. It is time for the fear-mongering to end and for the careful deliberation to begin.