Media pundit was interviewed on the Morning Joe Show where he asserted that teachers make $120,000. This, apparently, is an outrage, showing what leeches teachers are. Apparently you can say anything on these talk shows because they are about opinions, not facts or information or knowledge.

Of course, he was wrong. Rebecca Klein writes on Huffington Post that the average teachers’ salary is $56,393.

Kudlow said he was referring to New York City’s new teacher contract, but he was wrong there too. Klein wrote: “Under the new contract, the maximum salary of teachers is $119,565 per year –- but that is only after at least 22 years of experience in the classroom, a master’s degree and 30 additional academic credits. The starting salary of a teacher in the city is $54,411.”

There should be a rule that when anyone complains about teachers’ salaries, they should be required to disclose their own income, as well as their working hours. I would not be surprised if those who complain the loudest earn many times more than teachers, work fewer hours, and add little of social value, especially if they get paid to chatter in front of a microphone. Let them have their spoils but have the decency not to criticize the pay of those who do the hard work of society and deserve every penny they get.