Newsday reports that nearly 6,000 studentsrefused to take the state ELA test on Tuesday.

Think how absurd these Common Core tests are.

Students in grades 3-8 sit for four hours of reading tests, then four hours of math tests. Why so long? I think the bar exam is shorter.

When the scores are eventually reported, the students have a different teacher. The scores are not broken down to show what students’ strengths and weaknesses are. That means they have no diagnostic value at all. Teachers learn nothing about the students except their scores. The tests offer no clue about how teachers can help their students.

Fact: the tests are an expensive waste of time. They won’t make students smarter. The only beneficiaries are the testing corporations, the vendors of software and hardware, whose equipment is required for the federally-funded tests. Why must all testing be online? Does it implications data mining ?

Everyone should opt out. That is the only way that policymakers will understand the deep frustration of parents.