The Network for Public Education has endorsed Daylin Leach for the U.S. Congress.

Daylin Leach is running for the 13th Congressional district in Pennsylvania. 

He is a strong supporter of public education, and we need him in Congress.

I urge you to send whatever you can to help Daylin Leach get elected.


Here is the statement of the Network for Public Education:

NPE endorses Pennsylvania’s Daylin Leach for U.S. Congress

NPE has decided to endorse Daylin Leach in the Democratic primary for the 13th Congressional district in Pennsylvania. Leach grew up in poverty in Philadelphia, and understands the challenges many of our students face.

In his responses to our questions, he wrote: “I have been a tireless advocate for public education, writing legislation to make college affordable for everyone to leading the fight against vouchers, to working to save a failing school. I know I would not be where I am today without the public education provided for me – and I believe that we owe it to all future generations to provide the same for them.”

We encourage voters in the 13th district to support Daylin Leach. You can find more information about Daylin Leach, at

Daylin made the following statement:


“I am deeply troubled by the movement to privatize public education, to turn it over to corporations more concerned with making a profit than they are in educating the next generation. It is not the role of government to pass the buck. We are not good stewards of taxpayer money if we hand it over to profit-making ventures who’s accountability is based on standardized tests. And we have failed our society if we defund or underfund students in an existing system to subsidize corporations and Wall Street.

That is why I have always fought against these measures in the Pennsylvania legislature. And that is why I want to bring this fight to Washington.”

Here is the link to the Daylin for Congress donation page