Alan J. Singer of Hofstra University has studied the Common
Core closely and suggested not only flaws but ways it could be
improved. Unfortunately there is no feedback process to make
changes or to upgrade content. Michael Shaughnessy interviews Singer
here for Education News
. Here is a good question and
answer: 2) What is this concept called ” text complexity ” and who
developed it? “If you look deeper you realize books are assigned to
the boxes based on something called “text complexity.” Text
complexity is defined on the Common Core website as a combination
of “levels of meaning, structure, language conventionality and
clarity, and knowledge demands”; “readability measures and other
scores of text complexity”; and “reader variables (such as
motivation, knowledge, and experiences) and task variables (such as
purpose and the complexity generated by the task assigned and the
questions posed).” Fortunately you do not have to worry if you
cannot understand what they are talking about, I certainly can’t,
because they start with the assertion that “A number of
quantitative tools exist to help educators assess aspects of text
complexity that are better measured by algorithm than by a human
reader,” although they also concede that “the tools for measuring
text complexity are at once useful and imperfect.” “One thing that
always makes me suspicious is that Pearson Education is marketing
the Pearson Reading Maturity Metric. They claim it is “a new and
more accurate measure of the reading difficulty of texts” that was
“developed by scientists at Pearson’s Knowledge Technologies
group.” It is supposed to be a “new computer-based technology” that
“measures how close an individual students’ reading abilities are
to what they will need to succeed in college and careers.” “Do you
remember the scene from the “The Dead Poet’s Society” when Robin
Williams’ character is trying to follow textbook guidelines for
measuring the value of poetry and ends up having students rip the
pages out of the textbook. He shouts “Rip! Rip! Rip!” I think we
need to do some ripping here.”