A reader in Ohio writes:   This is one
of the people who is making law on public schools in
“Powell legislator stirs controversy
over views on public schools
Two weeks after
calling public education “socialism” and saying it should be
privatized, state Rep. Andrew Brenner said of those criticizing him
with vulgarities: “I’m guessing those people had a public
education.” The Powell Republican and vice chairman of the House
Education Committee wrote another column this week on his wife’s
website, Brenner Brief News, criticizing those who took issue with
his previous column.”
He’s the new vice-chair
on the education committee. His goal is to get rid of our 150 year
old system of public schools, because it’s “socialism”.

When he’s called on it, he responds by attacking every
person in the state who attended public schools, which of course is
the vast majority of people in the state.
really can’t make this stuff up. It’s like open season on public