After eight years of Rudy Guiliani and twelve years of Michael Bloomberg, the 1% is accustomed to getting whatever it wants in Néw York City. They like to cover their “wants” in deceptive rhetoric suggesting they are doing it “for the kids” or for “civil rights.”

Media Matters here reports on billionaire Murdoch’s vendetta against Mayor Bill de Blasio. Our newly elected progressive mayor is now the target if a full-bore attack by all of Murdoch’s media: the Néw York Post, Fox News, and the Wall Street Journal.

The 1% is already furious that de Blasio wants them to pay about $1,000 a year so that pre-K is available to all. Now de Blasio had the audacity to give Eva Moskowitz only three of the charters she expected. At the same time, he approved 39 of 49 charter applications.

How dare he deny any charter application! Eva’s friends on Wall Street have launched a very elaborate barrage of attack ads against the mayor, accusing him of indifference to the needs of black children.

Why trust de Blasio when you could trust Rupert Murdoch, Fox News, and hedge fund managers to protect the rights of children?

The hedge fund crowd has already forgotten that de Blasio won in a landslide. They forgot that Eva last closed her schools to lead a protest march across the Brooklyn Bridge, accompanied by de Blasio’s Republican opponent, Joe Lhota. They forgot that de Blasio crushed Lhota by 50 points. In other words, he has a mandate.

But that won’t stop the smear machine.