North Carolina Governor McCrory tried to defuse criticism of his hostile policies toward teachers by offering a pay raise to teachers in their first five years instead of responding to a call by former Governor Jim Hunt to lift salaries to the national average. NC teachers are now 46th in the nation in salary.

Under McCrory’s proposal, 70% of teachers get no raise. Salaries for teachers have been flat since 2008. It takes 15 years for a teacher in NC to earn $40,000 a year.

This blast just was released about the McCrory plan:

Dear xxxxxxx,

Today, NC Speaker Thom Tillis, along with Governor Pat McCrory and Senate President Pro Tem Phil Berger, unveiled a plan that fails to provide a pay raise to 70% of North Carolina’s hardworking teachers. If you, like us, believe ALL North Carolina teachers deserve a pay raise please sign our petition today and forward to it to 5 friends.

Their plan is simply an election year gimmick. Republicans only want to shield themselves from public backlash over the damage they’ve done to public education. Unfortunately for the Republicans, they have already made it clear during the 2013 Legislative Session that public education was simply not a priority for them. They laid off 3,800 teacher’s assistants, cut $500 million from public education, denied all teachers a pay raise and raised tuition at community colleges – all while allocating tens of millions of dollars for private school vouchers.

This Republican plan only offers a pay raise to a select few teachers at a time when ALL teachers in North Carolina deserve a raise. The plan DOES NOT raise teacher pay to the national average, DOES NOT make teacher pay in NC competitive with other states – like Virginia – that are luring teachers away and DOES NOT offer a plan that will prepare our students for the modern workforce.

Perhaps most appalling is the fact that the money to give ALL North Carolina teachers a pay raise exists in the state budget but the GOP would rather use that money to give tax breaks to out-of-state corporations and millionaires.

Please stand with House Democrats today by signing this petition that demands the Governor and the General Assembly Republicans treat our teachers with respect and helps them to get what we as North Carolinians know they deserve.

We thank you for your continued support as we fight for a greater future for all North Carolinians.


Rep. Larry D. Hall

Democratic Leader

P.S. This petition seeks to protect the North Carolina public education system by asking for a pay raise for ALL North Carolina public school teachers – not just a select few – to the national average. PLEASE SIGN THE PETITION TODAY AND FORWARD TO 5 FRIENDS.

Paid for by the NCDP- House Caucus

220 Hillsborough Street
Raleigh, NC 27603