The National Governors Association has a corporate fellows program.

Mercedes Schneider takes a close look at which corporations are supporting NGA and where their money so spent.

Some of their leading corporate sponsors are deeply involved in education:

“Here is NGA’s complete corporate listing. However, allow me to list a sampling of corporate names that hold particular meaning in the current corporate-friendly, education reform atmosphere:

“ACT, Amplify, Apple, College Board, Educational Testing Service, ExxonMobil, General Electric, McKinsey and Company, Microsoft, Pearson, Scholastic, and Walmart.

“If these corporate names sound familiar, here’s why:

“ACT and College Board were on the CCSS insider work group. Also a CCSS insider, David Coleman is now president of College Board.

“Amplify is run by former NYC Chancellor, Joel Klein, and is connected to the CCSS assessment consortium, Smarter Balanced.

“Apple is involved in the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) iPad fiasco. LAUSD Superintendent John Deasy owns Apple stock.

“Educational Testing Service (ETS) is connected to both CCSS testing consortia (PARCC and Smarter Balanced).

“ExxonMobil has taken a vocal stand for CCSS of late.

“General Electric (GE) donated $4 million to David Coleman’s Student Achievement Partners in 2010.

“McKinsey and Company is the former employer of David Coleman.

“Microsoft is Bill Gates’ company. It just abandoned the destructive employee evaluation methods that Gates is trying to impose upon public school teachers.

“Pearson is a major corporate reform presence. For one, Pearson is involved in the LAUSD iPad fiasco. Pearson is also connected to both CCSS testing consortia.

“Scholastic and Gates released partial results of a survey that notes (surprise, surprise) teachers are fine with CCSS.

“And finally, Walmart is owned by the Waltons, who are anti-union and pro-charter and spend millions on education privatization.”