Remember the study that claimed that teachers who produce higher test scores in fourth or fifth grade have miraculous lifetime effects on students? Among other things, the students are less likely to get pregnant and an entire class will increase its lifetime earnings by $250,000 a year!

The study was reported on the first page of the Néw York Times, where one author said the lesson was to fire teachers sooner, based on value-added test scores.

President Obama was so impressed–since the study echoed Race to the Top’s focus on using VAM for firing teachers and giving bonuses –that he mentioned the study in his State of the Union Address. Of course, Sidwell Friends, where his daughters are enrolled, wouldn’t do any such thing as VAM.

Critics quickly pointed out that the Chetty study, as it was known for its lead author Raj Chetty, had not been peer reviewed and its findings were overstated.

Bruce Baker explained that an increase of $250,000 for a class works out to about $5 a week, maybe a cup of coffee at Starbucks or a couple more plus a donut at Dunkin Donuts.

Now, Audrey Amrein-Beardsley provides a valuable service by pointing out that the study has been released a THIRD time, still not peer reviewed.