Superintendent John Kuhn of the Perrin-Whitt school district in Texas is one of our heroes, for his passion, compassion, intelligence, and courage on behalf of his students and community.

Here he writes his resolutions for the New Year. Some of his year-end observations are similar to mine, and I swear we did not communicate. We share common concerns about the future of our public schools, teachers, principals, and students.

Any time John Kuhn speaks, he bowls over the crowd with his inspiring words. Here he is at a Save Texas Schools rally in Austin. Here he is at the national SOS rally in 2011 in D.C.

This is a man who tells the truth and doesn’t worry about the consequences.

I will offer one more resolution to the five he gives: Please resolve to read one or both of John Kuhn’s new books.

Test and Punish: How the Texas Education Model Gave America Accountability Without Equity (available only on Kindle, unfortunately)

And you can pre-order this one, called Fear and Learning in America: Bad Data, Good Teachers, and the Attack on Public Education, which will be available next month in paperback.