The blog known as Perdido Street notes that Merryl Tisch, the chancellor of New York’s Board of Regents, took control after her hand-picked State Commissioner John King stumbled. Tisch announced 16 parent forums to explain and build support for the Common Core. There will be no back-tracking! The Regents will not be moved, no matter how much parents or teachers object to their plans to rush the implementation and testing of the Common Core.

Perdido Street notes that Tim Daly, now running Michelle Rhee’s New Teacher Project (now called TNTP, as in “The New Teacher Project”), likens all opposition to the Common Core as Tea Party-inspired. This, of course, is a smear intended to silence those who think that the state and the nation should move with all deliberate speed, not simply plunge ahead without forethought.

What is it about the Common Core that makes for so much heat and so little light?

We have noted in the past that David Coleman, the architect of the Common Core, served as treasurer of Michelle Rhee’s StudentsFirst during its first year of operation. Another member of her three-person board was Jason Zimba, who wrote the Common Core math standards. (Zimba is a professor at Bennington College, where Coleman’s mother is president.) The third person on Rhee’s board was an employee of David Coleman’s Student Achievement Partners.

What is the synergy between Common Core and Michelle Rhee’s campaign to destroy teacher tenure and collective bargaining and to promote charters and vouchers? Is Common Core developmentally inappropriate on purpose? Is it intended to make American students look bad?

I hope we will learn more about the relationship between Coleman and Rhee. I hope to learn what part of her agenda he supported and did not support during the time she started to collect millions to advance her attack on teachers and public education.