Crazy Crawfish blogs from Louisiana. His friends know him
as Jason France. He worked in the assessment division of the
Louisiana Department of Education until he couldn’t stand it

He wrote a comment for this blog in which he critiques Arne Duncan’s critique of critics who
live in “an alternate universe.”

Crazy Crawfish writes:

I may not know the secret to fixing every school, but I know what doesn’t
work: Arne Duncan.

Also: Closing the schools

Firing all the teachers

Busing all the kids hours away to new schools

Putting 50+ kids in.a class

Virtual schools

Common core

Stripping funding from them

Handing then over to profit centric people


Handing everyone an ipad instead of a good teacher

Continued testing


Forcing all disabled kids to take ACT

Charters with fascist mandatory marches

Narrowing curriculum to exclude arts, history, science



Schools that teach creationism

Schools that treat kids like products instead of people

Mass school closings Etc

(Basically anything Arne Duncan does)

By opposing Arne Duncan, if we do nothing else, we are improving schools by delaying
him from destroying them.