This teacher began her second career during the Bloomberg era.

She writes:

“I started working as a teacher for the NYCDOE during the Bloomberg regime (“second” career). It is, unfortunately, the ONLY regime that I worked as a teacher in. Previously, I had worked in the corporate world.

“From the beginning, it was obvious to me what Bloomberg was trying to do. I had seen it in the business world. “Starving” schools of programs, supplies, books, etc. It’s a tactic used by retail chains and corporations that want to close unproductive stores or offices ( in terms of sales). When I mentioned this to people I had worked with, many did not believe that what Bloomberg was doing could actually happen.

“And, it did- closure of many public schools, staff and students displaced, strong arm “business” tactics used, by skewing “data” to make it appear that schools were “improving” under this arrogant and distasteful Mayors’ policies, while trying to break the union and underserving the students.

“What surprises me most of all is how so many people acquiesced to all this, though there are a few groups that did not, and attempted to fight this Bloomberg juggernaut.

“Frankly, I’m tired of it all, and am looking forward to retiring in three years. If the next Mayor of NYC truly values education for the citizens of this city and the nation, the first step would be to undo ALL of the Bloomberg “reforms” and make the PUBLIC schools what they should be, places where the PUBLIC truly has input and say in how the schools are run, and let educators do their jobs unfettered without fear of reprisal and fear of losing their jobs.”