Bridget, a frequent commenter, added this thoughtful note. She reminded me of how often I have wondered whether President Obama or Secretary Duncan care about public schools and whether they are determined to standardize children and call it “reform”:


Part of this problem, as I have stated before, is that we as educators are being forced by legislators to participate in this demise of public education in our nation. We are participating in our own demise because we are rule followers who do as we are told. By removing the historical local decision making from local communities we have allowed corporate interests to take over. Our political environment has been sold to the highest bidder. We as voters have lost our voice because corporations are now considered people. As long as we continue to allow our legislators to make decisions that are in the best interest of corporations, at the expense of what is in the best interest of the 99%, the gap will continue to widen.

I struggle daily with balancing what we do in our schools to improve education for our students with that which is in direct opposition that are the mandates required for testing and accountability required by state and federal laws. I see a generation of teachers and students who are slowly being trained to do as they are told, even as I recognize that there is no research to support these unproven mandates. We talk about teaching critical thinking and problem solving, while we mandate tests that measure just the opposite. How do I justify the fact that I am required by law to put these things into place, while I know that these mandates are harmful to students and teachers. Here in Louisiana we are being subjected to an experiment in education reform that has no basis in research.

I am doing my best to improve outcomes for students by empowering teachers to continue to improve as educators. I spend my time researching best practices and educational innovations that are founded in research. I look at all innovation with a critical eye and an open mind. When all is said and done, we as educators must face children everyday. The EduDeformers have removed themselves from the realities of what is happening in schools. Our president and Mr. Duncan have not spent enough time in public school classrooms to know that they are harming children. Each day I wonder what we are producing in this generation of future adults who will eventually be the democratic citizens of our nation. I have hope that a rebellion will occur that will bring balance back and restore some semblance of sanity. I refuse to believe that greed will win over common good.