The New York Times reports today that David Koch, one of the rightwing billionaire Koch brothers, is buying broadcast ads to support the candidacy of Joseph Lhota, who is running for mayor as a Republican.

The Koch brothers can be counted on to subsidize almost any effort that privatizes the public sector and guts government programs that help people. After all, they don’t need government programs, why should anyone else?

Meanwhile, Bill de Blasio has emerged as the strong front-runner in the Democratic primary, and the latest poll shows him with 43% of the vote. If he wins 40%, he would avoid a run-off. De Blasio has positioned himself as the most progressive candidate in the race, while Christine Quinn is widely perceived as Mayor Bloomberg’s torch-bearer. Bill Thompson, who was endorsed by the UFT, is in the same range with Quinn, around the 20% mark.

De Blasio issued a press release strongly criticizing the co-location of charter schools into public schools without community input. He said that if elected, he would develop a process to hear from the community, and in the meanwhile, would impose a moratorium on co-locations. This infuriated Eva Moskowitz, the CEO of the Success Academy charter chain, who immediately blasted de Blasio as an enemy of “good schools,” i.e., her schools.