Teresa Thayer Snyder is a superintendent in upstate Néw York. She has more sense in her little finger and more understanding of children and education than the entire State Education Department. We have a surprise for her on Monday. And I have a promise for Dr. Snyder: the tide will turn. And she will be instrumental in turning it.

Here she is:

“Dear Dr. Ravitch: My granddaughter is about to turn six and is going into first grade. She is a remarkable child, the light of my life. Her father is an historian and a teacher-she has great background knowledge–it is fun to hear her extol on the swinging gate offence at the Battle of Gettysburg, even if her final commentary is that there were a lot of dead people. I pray she survives these next few years–before we see the tide turned. I have a recent picture of her in silhouette doing a handstand on an ocean beach which will be a part of my opening day talk with my teachers and staff. We need to re-claim childhood for our beloved children. We, as parents and grandparents, need to be a presence which insulates them from the utter obstruction of their education and of their innocent belief that school is supposed to be inviting and exciting for them.”