Several people wrote to say that membership in the highly distinguished Badass Teachers Association was closed, that they applied and were turned down. This seemed unlikely to me, given the group’s desire to spread, so I contacted its founder Mark NAISON and asked him if there was a glitch. I also asked him if he could create a website for those who are not on Facebook. Here is his response (for some reason, whenever I write Mark’s last name on my iPad, it always turns into caps):

Hi Diane!

We now have six administrators on the site so anyone who applies gets In quickly!

As to how to create a non Facebook option for the group, I will have to discuss that with the five people who have been working with me in this, who are much higher tech then I am!

This whole explosion of interest caught me totally by surprise! I hav e started several Facebook pages and I would have never predicted tha this is the one that would go viral and capture so many people’s imaginations

Now people are talking about just showing up in Washington on Labor Day and surrounding Congress with teachers parents and students

Given what has happened in the last few days, I would not write this off as impossible!!

Best, Mark

Mark D Naison
Professor of African American Studies and History
Fordham University
“If you Want to Save America’s Public Schools: Replace Secretary of Education Arne Duncan With a Lifetime Educator.”