Teacher Mike Weston is running for school board.

He teaches math at Freedom High in Hillsborough County, Florida.

That is, he used to teach math at Freedom High.

He was fired by his principal.

Freedom High doesn’t think highly of Weston’s freedom of speech.

So he is now free to look for a job elsewhere.

Needless to say, he speaks out on education issues.

That’s what you do when you run for office.

His principal decided not to retain him.

The district upheld his decision.

Says the article, “Weston’s activism began more than a year ago, after a Newsome High School teacher challenged the Gates-funded evaluation system called Empowering Effective Teachers.

“Weston also was outspoken about problems in exceptional student education that were brought to light by the deaths of two students in 2012.

“A frequent speaker at board meetings, he also has complained about a lack of opportunities for students who are not on track to attend college.

“Given the high profile of Weston’s case, Stephanie Baxter-Jenkins, an attorney and executive director of the Hillsborough Classroom Teachers Association, took the unusual step of representing him.

“I certainly think we made a good case on Michael’s behalf, and I disagree with the outcome,” Baxter-Jenkins said.