In this video of 23 minutes, you will get a synopsis of why value-added modeling doesn’t work.

The video is a preview of a collection of research papers that will be available online in a few months, and published in 2014 by Teachers College Press in 2014.

The more we learn about the real consequences of VAM, the more we understand that it has perverse consequences.

We know already that it puts too much emphasis on test scores, and we saw what that produced in Atlanta, DC, El Paso, and other districts.

We know it narrows the curriculum, as only the tested subjects count.

We know it encourages teaching to the test.

We know that it is unstable and unreliable.

We know that good teachers may get low ratings because they teach kids who have high needs.

We know that the composition of the class has a greater effect on the teacher’s rating than the teacher’s “quality.”

We know that the test scores are affected by many factors, not just what the teacher does.

When the papers are available, I will post a link.