This is indeed an odd turn of events.

Bruce Chapman, the head of the Discovery Institute, a Reagan Republican, warns Democrats that they should take care not to offend Democrats for Education Reform because they might become Republicans.

The reason for his warning was that the California Democratic Party recently passed a resolution denouncing corporate education reform and specifically singling out DFER and StudentsFirst as fronts for corporations and Republicans.

Chapman was the founder of the the conservative Discovery Institute, which promotes “intelligent design” and is critical of evolution.

This is bizarre. Why is a Reagan Republican warning Democrats not to criticize the Wall Street hedge fund managers’ DFER? Why was his defense of DFER and Stand for Children circulated by DFER Indiana?

Is this another sign of the growing desperation of the corporate reformers? Scorned by the Democrats in California, they turn to the head of the Discovery Institute to warn Democrats not to toss them aside. How pathetic.