Matt Di Carlo is a cautious social scientist who looks at education policy from every possible angle.

Like me, he does not believe in miracles in education. Education is a steady, slow, incremental process of development that is hard work. Changes comes slowly.

Yet here is Di Carlo on the dramatic gains that Maryland has made on NAEP, outpacing the nation.

How did they do it?

Maryland has charters, but not very many, and they are unionized.

Maryland has high per pupil spending.

Maryland did not implement any of the market-based teacher reforms demanded by corporate reformers during the time of its greatest gains.

Maryland has strong teachers’ unions.

Maryland teachers are well paid.

Don’t keep it a secret.

Update: Matt Di Carlo added an update to his post to say it is satirical. But the NAEP charts are factual.
His point is that you can use NAEP data to make any argument you want and to be careful about using them for anything other than what they are: trend lines. Why the lines go up or down requires more analysis.