In recent weeks, Mercedes Schneider reviewed the members of the board of the National Council on Teacher Quality.

She did so because NCTQ is now often perceived as a nonpartisan, independent evaluator of teacher education programs, teacher colleges, and teacher quality. It has been the recipient of grants from many foundations, including Gates. Its investigation into the nation’s teacher preparation programs is considered authoritative by US News and World Report. Its report on teacher quality in Los Angeles, produced in cooperation with the Gates-funded United Way, blamed teachers for low test scores. In short, NCTQ is a power player with funding and media influence.

As Schneider shows, NCTQ is a leading player in the corporate reform movement. Its board includes Michelle Rhee, Joel Klein, and Wendy Kopp.

This post reviews NCTQ as an organization.

Schneider has a Ph.D. In statistics and research methods. She teaches high school in Louisiana.