Tomorrow, March 5, is Election Day in Los Angeles.

Voters will select the local school board.

Will billionaires (and some mere millionaires) persuade them to vote the slate they want?

Anthony Cody follows the money, since some of the donors will gain financially by electing their slate.

Mayor Villaraigosa boasts of having raised $3.7 million to keep the “reform” (aka, privatization) movement alive in Los Angeles. He must feel some urgency since Bloomberg’s third term ends this year, and NYC voters are tired of his endless school closings.

In addition, this article includes a list of the big donors to the campaign to oust Steve Zimmer and to protect Monica Garcia.

The supporters of the L.A. Campaign include not only New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who failed to reform NYC’s public schools; Joel Klein, who works for Rupert Murdoch and is selling product to the schools; Philip Anschutz, the producer of “Waiting for Superman” and “Won’t Back Down,” and funder of anti-gay, anti-evolution campaigns; Michelle Rhee’sStudentsFirst; Eli Broad; and assorted Hollywood moguls who no doubt are education experts and parents of children in the L.A. Public schools.

Let’s hope that the voters in Los Angeles are not swayed by big money and propaganda.

If they buy Los Angeles, which city or state will they buy next?