Dear Readers,

I can’t bring myself to say “Merry Christmas,” because this Christmas season has been blighted by the tragedy in Newtown.

We are still in mourning for the twenty babies who were lost there, the precious children who were so cruelly taken from their families.

We are still in mourning for our brave colleagues, the educators who died defending the children, their children.

Let us all this holiday season stop to honor their memory.

Let us rededicate ourselves to do what is right for the children of our nation.

Let us promise to stand fearlessly for the values of compassion, kindness, and fellowship.

Let us reject the culture of violence and death.

Let us embrace the meaning of the words: Peace on earth, goodwill towards all.

Because so many who share in this community are educators, let us continue to educate, to lead others from ignorance to knowledge, to educate the public, to bring light where there is now darkness and despair.

Know that you are not alone.

Peace to you all,
