A teacher and parent remembers the teachers who made a difference, the ones whose work is still remembered many years later:

Thank you to the science teacher who let my son hand in elaborate hand-drawn cartoons explaining scientific processes. And to the history teacher whose project options allowed for students to act out interviews with historical figures. Thanks to my daughter’s high school English teacher who allowed the students to make puppets and perform scenes from A Midsummer’s Night Dream. Thanks to the physics teacher who let the students design and build model bridges and catapults (and I mean really build them, by hand, not using a computer program.) Thank you to my own teachers. I still remember the diorama I made showing features of the state of Oregon. I was in fourth grade and it was 1959. In 6th grade my teacher let me write lyrics to a song that was performed at an assembly. Funny, I don’t remember many standardized tests. I believe my students need creative learning opportunities — to grow, to shine, to look forward to school, to deepen their understanding of complex ideas.