In Nashville, two new members of the school board debate whether the Metro Nashville school board should sue the state for withholding $3.4 million to punish the board.

TFA Commissioner of Education Kevin Huffman, who is devoted to charter schools and privatization, withheld the $3.4 million from Nashville to punish the board because it rejected an application from the Great Hearts charter corporation of Arizona. The board did not like the fact that Great Hearts had a defective plan for diversity, would locate in an affluent neighborhood, and has a reputation for requiring an upfront “contribution” of $1200-1500 from families.

Great Hearts looks like, smells like, sounds like a publicly funded school for affluent families. The board didn’t like that. It rejected Great Hearts four times.

Huffman, who once was a teacher for two years but has no other relevant experience to be a state commissioner, was furious. He held back $3.4 million from the district.

Amy Frogge, a new board member, provided the key vote to reject the charter. Frogge is a public school parent and a lawyer. She beat a corporate funded candidate who far outspent her. She wants to sue to get the money that rightly belongs to the school district. She is a member of our honor roll for her courage and dedication to public education and the right of all children to a good education.

We are proud of Amy Frogge. She will not be bullied. She is standing up for the children. She deserves her place on the honor roll.