If you read only one article today, read this one. Save it. Read it again. This is a must-read.

John Kuhn is superintendent of the Perrin-Whitt school district in Texas. He was the first person named on this blog as a hero of American education. If you read this, you will understand why.

A reader suggested I add John Kuhn’s great speech to the SOS March in Washington in 2011. It is here.

In this post, he nails the difference between charter schools and public schools. He agrees that much more is needed to help the students who are failing. But he explains exactly why the current crop of faux reform proposals is wrong.

A small example of the thinking in this brilliant essay about the lives of students and teachers and schools:

I believe fervently that Michelle Rhee and an army of like-minded bad-schools philosophizers will one day look around and see piles where their painstakingly-built sandcastles of reform once stood, and they will know the tragic fame of Ozymandias. Billion-dollar data-sorting systems will be mothballed. Value-added algorithms will be tossed in a bin marked History’s Big Dumb Ideas. The mantra “no excuses” will retain all the significance of “Where’s the beef?” And teachers will still be teaching, succeeding, and failing all over the country, much as they would have been if Michelle Rhee had gone into the foreign service and Bill Gates had invested his considerable wealth and commendable humanitarian ambition in improving law enforcement practices or poultry production.