Yesterday, I posted an article about growing income inequality in New York City. This morning, I posted an editorial from Bloomberg News claiming that the Census Bureau was overstating the extent of poverty by not counting transfers like food stamps.

A reader sent this story, which should remind us that it is no picnic to be poor in America.

Let me add a personal note. I am not poor. I have never been poor. But I hope I never reach a point when I stop caring about others less fortunate than I. I hope I never become so hard-hearted that I say, like some others do now, that the poor don’t know how lucky they are, or that poverty is just an excuse for bad teachers, or that fixing schools (by privatizing them or firing their teachers) will fix poverty. Or that we don’t know how to end poverty so we shouldn’t do anything about it.

I think it is shameful that so many people live in desperate poverty in the richest nation in the world. I think it is shameful that so many children come to school hungry and so many families are homeless. I think it is shameful that we have so many billionaires. I don’t know how to reorganize the tax code. It doesn’t seem fair if it produces the society we have now, where some people struggle to survive while others count their yachts and helicopters. Something’s wrong with that.