A reader writes to his colleagues in Chicago:

Stay strong, and trust your colleagues. I remember being on strike in Seattle. It was my first year with the big school district – 29 years ago. I remember the ambivalent feelings like they were yesterday. I barely understood it all. I was so grateful for having a job – and there I was, marching shoulder to shoulder with veterans who were willing to lose their jobs for the cause.

I remember being told that others in outlying districts were watching, rooting us on. Looking back, that was nothing.

The entire country is watching you, Chicago Teachers. I wish there were a way for you to feel that support, the way I felt it walking the picket lines as a newbie teacher next to the veterans.

There are thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, even millions of teachers watching – cheering for you, walking side by side with you in spirit.

Your cause is the just cause of teachers everywhere. Sure it’s a lot of pressure when it’s put that way, and I’m sorry, but it’s true.

Hang in there. Big Group Hug! – Mark

Did I say thank you?!!!