This is a column written for U.S. News and World Report by an experienced journalist.

Yes, she understands what teachers are dealing with.

Thank you, Susan Milligan!

We can’t improve education if we don’t improve the conditions of teaching and learning.

It is hard to read the comments that follow this post or any other.

There are many people who seem to think that teachers are vastly overpaid, greedy, lazy, selfish, and incompetent. You have to wonder, who is going to enter this profession that commands so little respect? Who are these people who think that all teachers who want a decent middle-class standard of living should be fired?

I was on a radio show this morning and one of the eminent panelists said that Mayor Rahm Emanuel should relish the opportunity to fire 6,000 teachers. I don’t understand people who harbor such enmity in their hearts. Do they think it helps kids to fire their teachers? Do they have any evidence for their meanness of spirit as public policy?