As readers of this blog know, CNN posted Randi Kaye’s August 18 interview with me a week after it aired.

I heard there were about 35 comments, and they were suddenly deleted.

People started posting comments again, possibly 20 or so, and then they too were deleted.

People went back for a third round and posted the following comments.

A reader (Teresa H from Oregon) copied the entire batch of them, on the off chance that they might also disappear.  (I copied and added the last three.)

Isn’t this ridiculous?

Why is the web editor at CNN deleting your comments?

Other readers said that none of the comments after Michelle Rhee’s interview had been deleted.

Here are the ones still on the website at this writing:

Here are all the comments posted there now…just in case they go missing again:


Dan Boyle
After watching this video, I am dismayed that Ms. Kaye would not be willing to listen to both sides of the issue. She clearly had an agenda in this interview Ms. Ravitch, that public schools are bad and are failing the country. Ms. Ravitch was consistent in her argument about which test scores should be used to measure student achievement and the neutral/negative impact of merit pay. All Ms. Kaye was willing to rebut those statements with were individual examples out of a potentially limitless supply. Please CNN, present both sides at the same time. Give Ms. Ravitch the opportunity to debate Ms. Michele Rhee for more than a 5 minute segment. The truth about America’s public schools is out there, if you only choose to look.

August 27, 2012 at 11:42 am |
Mike Dixon
What passes for education “reform” is a Trojan horse for privatizing public education and diverting tax dollars meant to educate our kids into the pockets of the already wealthy.

The proof:

1. The largest study of charter schools compared to regular public schools showed that only 17% did better, 37% did WORSE than traditional schools, and 46% did about the same.

2. That record is even less impressive when since charters don’t have to follow all the regulations and regimented curriculum that regular schools do, and are free to reject special needs and disruptive students.

The current model of education reform is designed by the same hedge fund managers and trust fund babies who have outsourced our manufacturing jobs, and intentional scammed the mortgage market, crippling the world economy in the process. If they failed at us in the financial arena, why in God’s name would you trust them with your CHILDREN’S EDUCATION?

August 27, 2012 at 11:53 am |
Andrea floresta
Why do the other posts keep disappearing? Is it because you don’t want the public to know you are partial to the privatization of America’s public schools? Maybe you don’t want the truth about these snake oil salesmen to be pointed out to your followers? Find the facts and present the facts. That is journalism.

August 27, 2012 at 11:55 am |
Ellen Rosewall
Diane Ravitch is a voice of reason in sea of misinformation and I am so glad that she is speaking out, exposing the myth of poor schools and poor teachers for what it is: an attempt to privatize education and create profit, which will cause even more inequity in our schools. For every poorly written letter like the one Ms. Kaye showed, there are dozens and dozens of examples of students who are bright, creative, and making a difference. Teachers work so hard under sometimes miserable conditions and I’m not sure why we are demonizing them.

August 27, 2012 at 12:00 pm |
I have previously given comments to CNN…none of them have been answered only deleted. None have been rude or foul language…just deleted. This was not an interview…this was an ambush and showed Randi Kaye did not like being forced to “interview” someone who disagreed with her previous interview. CNN used to take pride that they considered themselves a news source that did not take sides on the issues but tried to seek truth as CNN presented all sides. Apparently that is past history at CNN. The goal is now more sensationalism and choosing sides on issues to bring up the ratings. On this issue of education, CNN has taken to support Michelle Rhee and her supporters and CNN is not open to other opinions on education. Low ratings have created panic at CNN. However, you stand to lose more viewers as CNN tries to repair them with pretty faces such as on The Situation Room, removal of trusted reporters (such as John King’s new role) and a move to self promotion on social media with “sensational” comments from your reporters. Randi Kaye should be embarrassed and so should her superiors at CNN. How long will these comments remain here?

August 27, 2012 at 12:00 pm |
I watched the video when it was broadcast and I am dismayed by the way Dr. Ravitch was not interviewed – but rather questioned which did not produce a balanced interview. I hope CNN considers doing another interview with Prof. Ravitch but with someone who is knowledgeable and without a hidden agenda. I expect better interviews/news reporting than the one I saw.

August 27, 2012 at 12:01 pm |
CNN…what gives? This is the THIRD time you have reopened comments and deleted the past two times.


August 27, 2012 at 12:02 pm |
Shelley Ritala
I am so disappointed in Randi Kaye’s interview with Diane Ravitch. C’mon, Randi, you can do better, and did, when you were a Minnesota reporter. And I’m disappointed that CNN keeps deleting the comments. Seriously, folks, do you think people don’t notice? Can you really not handle the criticism of your biased interview?

August 27, 2012 at 12:03 pm |

THIS is the THIRD time I have posted this comment:I actually would like to thank Randi Kaye because some of my 7th graders have a hard time grasping the concept of bias. Once this video is linked I will save it in my Smartboard video folder and use this as an example of a biased interview hosted by a corporation posing as a news network.For a class project we will choose a local issue and a few local officials. We will create biased vs. unbiased questions and role play the possible answers/scenarios. Possibly we can contact an adult who is willing to take on some savvy middle schoolers.For the non-educator reformy types…..this would be considered an authentic assessment.

August 27, 2012 at 12:06 pm |
I wonder if Ms. Kaye would like us to pick out just one of her interviews and use that as an example of her success as an interviewer. Certainly, if I wanted to show her in a positive way, I would pick out the best one, but if I wanted the opposite, I would look for the worst one she ever did. I doubt that Ms. Kaye would be happy about the latter. But, that’s what she did by pointing out one anonymous student and one school district with the idea that the viewers would be duped into thinking that these were representative of all education in the U.S. I hope the public picked up on this kind of prejudicial reporting.

Too bad Ms. Kaye failed to ask Ms. Rhee for proof of success for all her so-called reforms. While Ms. Rhee would never put herself into a situation where these kinds of questions are asked or her agenda is challenged, Dr. Ravitch was not afraid to defend herself, even when confronted with an obviously combative situation.

August 27, 2012 at 12:08 pm |
J.M. Tumbleson
I work in a city with significant amounts of poverty. I see teachers who work hard, who think hard and who try to collaborate with others in order to constantly improve their practice. Never have I heard any teacher argue for merit pay. They will argue for more planning time, they might argue for more services for their students with various social, emotional or cognitive needs, they might argue for more money for special classroom projects, they might even argue for a longer lunch, but never once have I heard a teacher argue for merit pay. The hundreds of teachers I have known want to work collaboratively and see themselves as having a shared mission in which they play an essential role for the community and for the children. The interviewer has been fed disinformation on what most teachers want, most likely from sources that will monetarily profit from the destruction of the public schools.

August 27, 2012 at 12:24 pm |
There are better ways to evaluate teachers that don’t involve either merit pay or testing. Look at Montgomery County, Maryland. They have a fair and balanced evaluation plan that involves many components among them peer evaluation and staff development for struggling teachers. As a result, student performance is improving.

As for the poorly-written letter by the student you aired: If spelling and grammar were not taking out of the curriculum, you would see a better letter. Teachers don’t make curriculum choices, but we complain vehemently about the lack of math and writing skills we are NOT allowed to teach. Not that I am saying this was acceptable. This student would have been told to circle any words he did not know how to spell and look them up. He would have also been asked to read his letter to “a partner” aloud. In doing so, the student or his partner would discuss the revisions needed. There would be more than one draft of his piece before it would be given to the teacher. That’s the “writing workshop model” we are told to follow. It is a process. The piece you put up never went through that process.

Merit pay doesn’t work. It’s been tried in so many areas and failed. Also charters are not a miracle cure. More information on how charters “selects” and “counsels out” students in order to fix the scores is now on record.

Perhaps Ms. Kaye can interview the superintendent of the Montgomery School County to see for herself the reforms Michelle Rhee believes in are NOT the answer. This county resisted RTTT funding in order to keep their evaluation system in place. That’s a story that needs to be told. And if you ignore it, you ignore the facts.

August 27, 2012 at 12:31 pm |
I once felt that being a teacher was an honorable profession…..Non educators have targeted teachers sooooo badly and soooooo often that’s it’s almost embarrassing to say that you ARE a teacher! …….when will people on the outside and in the media understand that it really does take a village to educate a child?……Its not just the teacher……I can do bur so much during the school day!…..PARENTS NEED TO STEP UP AND SPEAK UP……Another real issue especially in the NYC DOE is the abuse of power given to principals…..It is CRIMINAL how a principal or supervisor could wake up one day, decide you are no longer effective although you have 10 or more years of successful teaching experience, more than 1 masters degree and begin targeting you…..They themselves are inexperienced educators with little or NO teaching experience. …..You now find yourself fighting for your job!……SOMEONE NEEDS TO DO AN EXPO ON THIS PRACTICE…….AS WELL AS THE UFT IN NYC , who time after time stand by and watch as it’s union dues paying members’ lives are ruined……Funny how teachers are the most educated of just about ALL city workers but the Big Wigs paint us incompetent….DianeRav keep fighting and speaking up for ALL educators!

August 27, 2012 at 1:01 pm |
Whatever happened to presenting both sides of the story? News is supposed to be about actual tangible, happenings. A good reporter, interviewer, will ensure that they have real facts to back up their story, even in an opinion piece. There is a big difference between real reporting, and airbrushed puff pieces. The media has a responsibility to the readers. When this responsibility isn’t met, it makes one question the credibility of the media that perpetuates this type of story. It is apparent that we as a society should not only be concerned about the privatization agenda as pertaining to public schools; we ought to be very concerned about the irresponsible way the media is using the podium.

August 27, 2012 at 1:14 pm |
This is the third time now that I am posting comments about the Ravitch interview after the comment thread has been deleted TWICE without explanation. CNN’s journalistic integrity is eroding rapidly; first due to the apalling bias of this interview, and secondly due to the repeated deleting of appropiate comment threads.

If CNN were truly interested in balanced coverage, it would conduct objective interviews of Ravitch and Rhee et al., or maybe even host a conversation between representatives from both sides of the debate.

As it is, I can only conclude that CNN is merely a shill for the corporate interests behind Rhee and the privatization movement. You really ought to be able to do better than this.

August 27, 2012 at 1:17 pm |
James McClain
Ms. Kaye, it would have shown great courage and integrity to interview Dr. Ravitch with the same courtesy as you did Ms. Rhee. It’s unfortunate that you treated Dr. Ravitch so poorly and with little preparation. Neither you nor your producers displayed much in the way of even cursory knowledge of the subject or of educational research (the P in NAEP does NOT stand for process). CNN, the continued deletion of comments that do not violate the Terms of Service is really baffling.

August 27, 2012 at 1:47 pm |
I don’t want to spend too much time on this comment, because I am fairly certain it will be deleted within a few hours.

Randi, your interview was terrible. I could find high school journalism students capable of asking better questions and not highlighting their own bias for the world to see. I do not know if you alone were responsible for the questioning or if producers at CNN created a list of questions that you had to ask; regardless, anyone with integrity and an ounce of common sense would refuse to go along with a line of questioning that was clearly meant to sabotage Diane Ravitch. Shame.

August 27, 2012 at 1:47 pm |
Wow, what biased and trashy reporting Randi Kaye. I would expect that your questions would actually attempt to elicit a response rather than simply iterate your obvious point of view – the teachers are the problem. You have apparently bought in to the privatization agenda of the charter folks – in order to get an ever larger piece of the many many billion education dollars, they must say public schools are failing and say it frequently enough that it begins to be true for some. Shame on CNN for buying the garbage, and not permitting Ms. Ravitch from an opportunity to actually share some of her vast knowledge.

August 27, 2012 at 2:06 pm |
Posts keep disappearing! I posted earlier today and it is no longer here. Why is that CNN?

This interview certainly was biased and and insulting to viewers, Diane Ravitch, and every hard working educator. And by deleting posts, the insults seem to be continuing.

August 27, 2012 at 2:18 pm |
Randi Kaye, I believe you are working for the wrong network. I see FOX news in your future.

August 27, 2012 at 2:19 pm |
Steve Troy
Bad. Bad. Bad.

It’s truly shameful that CNN is apparently unwilling to allow Americans to hear The Other Narrative about our supposedly “failing” public schools.

Our schools are NOT “failing”. If you control for the 20% of students who come from the lowest income families, US students most recently scored Number One in the world for reading. So much for our “struggling” schools.

Our schools are working well-very well. But CNN has bought the “Establishment Narrative” on education, which is driven by private, for-profit interests that want to seize control of our public schools and turn them into the latest “investment bubble”. (And we can see how well that worked in the past.)

I respectfully urge CNN to dig deeper-ironically do YOUR homework!-and find out what is REALLY going on with our public schools and how they are probably getting better results than at any time since they were first created as an integral part of our Republic.

August 27, 2012 at 2:28 pm |
I am shocked and dismayed that the interviewer with a clear pro charter, anti-teacher bias was treated so well by Dr. Ravitch. There is little doubt that the education “reformers” want to privatize education despite public education’s successes.

August 27, 2012 at 3:06 pm |
Ted Lewis
CNN can do better than mimick the cliches and sound bites (“public schools are failing,” “merit pay will improve education,” “poverty is no excuse…”) with which Diane Ravitch quickly and efficiently dispatches one at a time. The interview would have been much more meaningful if the interviewer, instead of using shoddy antecdotal gimmicks and questions intended to put Ms. Ravitch on the defensive, allowed her subject a real opportunity to explain her thoughts about education.

August 27, 2012 at 3:16 pm |
I am greatly disappointed with CNN. I always saw them, maybe naively, as fair and unbiased. After watching Michelle Rhee on CNN earlier in August and Rativich later in the month, I realized I was wrong. I was a regular viewer of CNN programs, and I know their higher-ups wont care, but I refuse to watch any more of CNN’s programs until the sitution is corrected, including an apology from Kaye for trying to “get” Dr. Rativich during her interview (a clear sign of bias) and a chance for Rativich to offer her viewpoints fairly (esp. since Michelle Rhee had that same opportunity). Its a shame when I have to honestly say The Daily Show and Colbert Report are the two only news sources I feel I can trust to deliver the news to me…

August 27, 2012 at 3:20 pm |
The third time’s a charm:


I was wondering why your ” interview” was stacked with questions and comments only meant to refute or catch the speaker. You treat Rhee with such respect and you display nothing but disdain for Ravitch. Were you coached by
Rhee. You stated that there were both negative and positive comments posted after Ravitch analyzed the Rhee Interview, but you only had a negative comment to share. Why? You held up a writing sample providing no information about the student. Did you know if he was learning disabled, ELL? Did you have his school attendance records?

Next time you want to interview an eduational historian do some research first and be prepared to have a dialogue not just one rapid fire gotcha question (provided to you by Rhee) after anotherl. Listen to what the historian says and learn something.

Also, since you were willing to hold up one student paper as an example of failing schools, we will “hold up” your interview as an example of failing journalism.  CNN….please offer your employees a quick refresher in Journalism 101. You are a disgrace.

August 27, 2012 at 3:41 pm |
kevin mcivor
I wonder if you considered pointing out that Michelle Rhee ran out of Washington D.C. before the cheating scandals were uncovered at her “highly successful schools”?

August 27, 2012 at 4:03 pm |
Neal Madnick
CNN’s treatment of Diane Ravitch was deplorable and not up to the standards of good journalism. It is what one would expect of Fox News, but not CNN. Really disgraceful, but more than that tragic that journalism in America has fallen so far.

August 27, 2012 at 4:09 pm |
Peg Metzger
Education professionals know what works – and when the state lives up to its responsibility to fund basic education those education administrators and classroom professionals in collaboration with elected schools boards and communities are able to help all students succeed.
. Public schools educate all children – special ed, gifted, poverty, typical, etc. Too many charters are not inclusive of real student populations.
Just testing how long this ( the third) lasts today. Other 2 were zapped by CNN ( now known as Closet Nefarious Numbskulls)

August 27, 2012 at 4:22 pm |
Linda Burnett
Randi Kaye, You seriously need to do your homework before tackling an issue you know little about. Aside from the obviously biased ‘attack’ questions posed to Diane Ravitch, the most troubling part of your interview was the student work example you presented as ‘proof’ that public educators are ineffective. Did you really think the student work sample you presented was representative of all students in Highland Park? Did you stop to think that perhaps this student had a learning disability? Or that the student had an attendance problem? Did you consider any other factors that may have contributed to this student’s writing difficulties? No, because the true motive was a (failed) attempt to discredit Diane Ravitch and the facts she presented in support of public education, as well as to continue the unwarranted attack on our country’s public school teachers. I would have expected better from CNN.

August 27, 2012 at 4:30 pm |
K. Green
Why do you keep deleting posts? Is it because you aren’t interested in reading opposing views? Is it because you are embarrassed about your hack job on Dr. Ravitch?

August 27, 2012 at 4:31 pm |
CNN can delete people’s comments, but WE WILL NOT BE SILENCED!

August 27, 2012 at 5:10 pm |
Denise McDermott
My post was deleted! CNN you are a disappointment. I used to believe that CNN reported fairly and with integrity. CNN has joined the privatization movement without researching. Shame on you.

August 27, 2012 at 5:25 pm


  1. How about doing the interview over and letting Diane fully express her views and facts?
    I am amazed at her wealth of knowledge. A fair interview would educate us all.

    August 27, 2012 at 6:01 pm |
  2. I am so disappointed that even CNN is willing to compromise its journalistic integrity. This “interview” was a blatant display of bias. Dr. Ravitch’s professionalism is a testament to her dedication to public education, and the future of this country. CNN- you should consider damage control beyond the ‘delete’ button to avoid classification with Fox News going forward.

    August 27, 2012 at 6:15 pm |
  3. Maggie A
    Third time I have posted. Why are they deleting comments? Do they do this often? Anyway, my comment was that Dr. Ravitch is an expert and Randi, obviously is not. CNN is playing the FOX game; things that no longer matter include the truth, integrity, honesty, and JOURNALISM!

    August 27, 2012 at 6:59 pm |