I posted previously about Bruce Baker’s study of charter schools in New York City and Houston.

It is such a clear and concise analysis of which students enroll in charters and how much charters spend, I am posting it again here.

Charters in these two cities do not enroll the same proportion of students with disabilities and students who are English language learners as public schools.

Charters in these cities tend to spend more per pupil, in some cases, significantly more than public schools.

Please read it. 

This information is drawn from public sources. Why charter advocates continue to insist that charters enroll the same students as public schools is one of the public policy mysteries of our day.

Baker’s study shows how charters routinely skim the easiest to educate students, spend more, and then claim success.

A new study will be published tomorrow showing the same phenomena for charters in the state of Texas.

Obviously this is not true of every charter.

But it seems to be typical.

At what point do charter advocates stop denying what has been documented again and again?

At what point do states begin to require charters to take a fair share of all children, not just those who produce the highest test scores?