The Jindal administration will not release any public records explaining its decisions about which schools will get vouchers and which will not.

Considering that the voucher program has made the state of Louisiana into an international laughing stock, that might be the best they can do.

Best not to let the world hear or read those discussions about whether to let children leave a failing public school in kindergarten (how is that even possible?) and enter a school where they will learn that slavery wasn’t all bad and the KKK had some positive features and evolution is a hoax.

The more people learn about the Louisiana voucher program, the more it will embarrass Mitt Romney, who is pushing to bring vouchers to every state and even wants federal funding for vouchers.

So the state has decided that the best course of action is to shroud all this nonsense in mystery.

You know, when the foreign press starts making fun of your education reforms and laughs because you are putting kids in schools where they take the Loch Ness monster seriously, it is best to keep quiet.

Louisiana is giving us a laugh a day with this voucher program.