in response to a post about the meaning of fiction in our lives today, a reader sent this advice:

To my dear teachers of America,

I ask you to game the system. Yes, you must teach how to tackle the test, you must teach how to use elimination to solve multiple choice questions. But you can ALSO teach the real thing. Who is stopping you? Take extra classes. Use the normal classes to teach according to the system but take extra ones to really teach.

We are accustomed to a system that works and is now broken. But despair not. Those of us who were product of broken systems did not wait for system to reform. We gamed it. We learnt all the important things through mentors, friends, seniors, and more importantly teachers who chose to guide us in their spare time.

You are faced with similar choice.

The metaphor for you is not Montag [Fahrenheit 451′, but the woman who chose to keep the books. You have to “keep the books” for if you cannot be Montag, at least you will help one when he/she comes along.

Remind yourself of Schindler from “Schindler’s list”. Or the deservingly famous Anne Frank whose family gave asylum to strangers.

Can you give asylum to a way of learning that is necessary when the current system is out to destroy it? Or will you burn the books without questioning?

My apologies if I sound inappropriate. Sometimes anger and passion are difficult to contain.