A Louisiana legislator who voted for Governor Bobby Jindal’s “reform” legislation is shocked to learn that students will be able to take their state vouchers to Muslim schools. She voted for the voucher plan on the assumption that students could take them only to Christian schools. Now, she is worried. She had “no idea” that taxpayer dollars would go to non-Christian schools. She wanted to help children learn about the religion of the Founding Fathers.

Meanwhile, twenty school districts are suing to overturn the law, saying that it violates the state constitution. The state constitution says that “state funding for public education shall be equitably allocated to public school systems.” Of 125 schools that have been okayed to receive vouchers, 124 apparently are religious schools.

UPDATE: although the article says that 124 of the 125 voucher schools are faith-based, friends in Louisiana tell me that it is more likely 118 of the 125 that are religious schools.