I don’t get into religion much other than to say it should be kept separate from the state.

But let me take this opportunity to wish you a Happy Easter and a very happy spring.

It has been a difficult, stressful year for everyone.

Some of us have lost members of our families to COVID.

We should all get vaccinated to stop the spread of this disease, to protect ourselves, our families, and our community.

I had my two shots (of Moderna), had no side effects, and feel protected. But I am still wearing a mask and taking other necessary precautions. Listen to the science.

There are mixed reports about whether the virus is winding down or gearing up for another surge. The latter is facilitated by the sizable number of people who refuse to get vaccinated.

No one who was vaccinated has died. It is possible to get it again, but in a much milder version that is not life-threatening.

If ever there was a time when civic cooperation is needed, it is now.

Enjoy the day. Enjoy the daffodils, the crocuses, the hyacinths, and forsythia and other signs of the Earth’s renewal.

Get outside if the weather is beautiful, as it is here in New York, and enjoy the beginning of a fresh and hopeful new season.

Do something generous for someone who needs your help.