I am posting this article because I enjoyed reading it, and I think you will too. It was written by a former colleague of mine at New York University, Jonathan Zimmerman. Jon is now on the faculty at the University of Pennsylvania. He and I sometimes disagreed, but I always admired his deep learning and his collegiality.

In this article, he addresses a phenomenon of which I was unaware: a new movement to close down the Peace Corps by partisans on both the right and left, with those on the left accusing Peace Corps volunteers of acting like “white saviors.”

In this article, Zimmerman examines the controversy from his unique perspective: Both of his parents joined the Peace Corps as soon as President John F. Kennedy created it, and he and his siblings grew up in the countries where they were stationed. When he came of age, he too enrolled in the Peace Corps and served in Nepal. He shares what he taught and what he learned.

It’s a good read.