Arthur Camins writes here about the disastrous consequences of governmental incompetence and failed leadership.

We need a government that is accountable to the people, one that protects us from catastrophes like the present, one that looks forward and prepares.

What we have instead is indifference and incompetence at the highest levels.

Recently Trump mused aloud about the value of ingesting poisonous disinfectants. When asked whether he was responsible for those who took his musings as advice, he answered that he took “no responsibility.”

Camins writes:

“Despite, or may because of, its vast wealth, the United States has utterly failed to perform its most basic duty to protect all of its inhabitants. It is morally, if not criminally, negligent. Four decades of withdrawal from the principle of government-led social responsibility laid the foundation for the avoidable rapid spread of the SARS-CoV2 virus, chaos, and resultant economic catastrophe. More of us should have seen this coming. For decades, Democratic politicians hesitated to alienate donors or imagined middle-of-the-road voters, the mainstream media played the phony both-side-story game, and Republicans purposefully ignored all the warnings. They are responsible for the resultant death and suffering.”