Our friends, Pastors for Texas Children, sends good news that Governor Abbott announced that Texas will waive state testing due to the COVID-19 crisis.


Today, Governor Greg Abbott announced that he would waive STAAR testing for the 2019-2020 school year, in response to the COVID-19 crisis.

This decision came after community leaders, dozens of school districts, and a courageous group of bipartisan legislators urged the governor to cancel STAAR testing for the year to accommodate teachers and students who face unprecedented challenges in the face of this public health emergency.

Pastors for Texas Children applauds this decision from Governor Abbott. We also affirm Commissioner of Education Mike Morath’s decision to waive regulations that restrict teachers and students. In a time of great need for our state and our nation, these are difficult decisions. Lawmakers must carefully consider best practices to protect the health, safety, and education of our state’s public school children.

“This was the right move,” said Rev. Charles Foster Johnson, PTC’s founder and executive director. “STAAR testing and the A-F accountability system are unnecessary burdens on our state’s children and teachers, putting private profit over the public good. Now is the time for us to consider classroom-based alternatives to STAAR testing year-round, not just in this unprecedented crisis.”

PTC remains concerned about the harmful effects that over-reliance on standardized testing and the A-F accountability system have on our students, and we will continue to work for a Texas that meets the needs of all students, families, and teachers. In this time of crisis and trauma for our children, we urge local churches and faith communities to reach out to their neighborhood public schools to offer assistance and support.


Pastors for Texas Children is a ministry that serves Texas’ neighborhood public schools through prayer, service, and advocacy. We support our schools by initiating school assistance programs with local congregations, promoting social justice for children, and advancing legislation that puts the needs of Texas children, families, and communities first.

PO Box 471155, Fort Worth, Texas, 76147