On May 20, there will be an informed discussion of the recent wave of strikes and what it portends for the future of the labor movement.

The event is at Housing Works Cafe at 126 Crosby Street in NYC.

The event is free and features organizers and journalists in the contemporary labor movement who will discuss recent union rebellions across the country—including teachers, graduate students, museum staff, and media workers—the causes for this wave of strikes and organizing, and what lessons can be taken for workers, staffers, and activists.

With Bianca Cunningham (organizer & writer, Labor Notes, former CWA), Eric Blanc, (author of Red State Revolt: The Teachers’ Strike Wave And Working-Class Politics (Verso Books)), Kim Kelly (Teen Vogue’s “No Class” & WGA East council, former VICE Union) & LeNair Xavier (worker & organizer, Pleasure Chest)

Full info is here: https://strikewave.splashthat.com

Eric Blanc traveled the country to cover each of the teacher strikes.