I write this post with a mixture of joy and sadness. And exhilaration!

I have been blogging every day for five years. I post whatever interests me and whatever I think will interest you. I confess to being compulsive because I blog with passion and zeal. I have blogged in elevators and taxis, while waiting on a line or in the middle of the night. I have written nearly 20,000 posts, and you have sent me nearly half a million comments.

I won’t stop blogging, but I will try to limit myself to no more than one post a day. I will post every day at 9. I will have the best of the best (in my opinion) every day. If there is breaking or important news, I will post again. When there is a big event or election, I will post. I will post short items of importance,  just a link, when I must. I will keep tweeting.

When NPE endorses a candidate, you will hear from me. When one of the supporters of public education scores a win for democracy and the common good, you will hear from me. We have to keep winning elections.

I am not going anywhere but I will spend more time working on the book than blogging.

If I can encourage you to write a letter to the editor, run for office, speak out at a public meeting, you can bet I will. I will insist that you get out to vote and get your friends to vote too.

The reason I am stepping back is that I have a contract with my publisher, Knopf, the most distinguished publishing house in America, with the best editor in America, Victoria Wilson. Knopf published and Wilson edited my last, most important book, Reign of Error: The Hoax of the Privatization Movement  and the Danger to Our Public Schools. I am going to write a new book about the growing and powerful resistance to privatization. I will rely on what I have learned from you —as I have traveled, as I have blogged, as I have read your comments here, as I have followed your work on behalf of the common good.

Of course, I will write about the BATS, Journey for Justice, the SOS groups, the battling unions, the legal battles, the electoral victories, the battles by parents against data mining, Class Size Matters, the historic defeat of Question 2 in Massachusetts last November, the historic court decision in the Vergara Case, the Pastors for Texas Children, the NAACP, the fight against vouchers, the resistance in many, many states by brave parents and teachers. And of course, the Network for Public Education, which was created five years ago by Anthony Cody and me to build and support the resistance. (Speaking of which, plan to join us at the NPE Annual Conference in Indiana on October 20-21. There will be more details on the NPE website.)

I’m not signing off. You will hear from me less often.  You will get fewer posts. You will get shorter posts.

This is what I need from you: tell me what is happening in your state to fight for public education. Tell me which groups are fighting back against the malefactors of wealth and the peddlers of privatization. Tell me about your wins.

The fight continues. I have a strong sense that the tide is turning. I am not giving up, and neither should you. There is much good news to share. Books reflect the world and books can change the world. All of us acting together are changing it right now. I have never been more hopeful about the future. I want to gather the hope and inspiration that you have generated and use it to inspire even greater activism to defeat the stale and dying status quo.

Help me write this important next book. Share your stories. Help me stop the privatization train, which ran off the rails long ago. I recall being told repeatedly a few years ago that it was useless to resist because the train had left the station. When they said that, they never said  where the train was heading. Not a good place. Maybe to a steep cliff. Trump and DeVos know. They tell us. The Koch brothers tell us. They want to destroy public schools. They are the “low hanging fruit.” They are driving the train to nowhere, and the “low hanging fruit” are our children.

Friends, together we are telling them that their plan to destroy our public schools is not going to happen.

It. Is. NOT. Going. To. Happen. We will show them what democracy looks like.

Keep me informed about your community, your state. They have money. We have numbers. Together, we will save our schools, our children, and our democracy.