Sorry, I don’t have the link because I am I the Siem Reap, Cambodia, and I can’t find my log in password for Edweek.

“PARCC Common-Core Test Gets Federal Approval
By Catherine Gewertz Jan. 23, 2018

By guest blogger Catherine Gewertz

“The PARCC test has won an unusual nod of approval from the U.S. Department of Education: It got an unconditional thumbs-up as an assessment that complies with the federal rules governing how well tests measure mastery of states’ academic standards.

“Sound obscure? Well, it is. But it’s also significant, because it means that one PARCC state (Yes, just one. More on that in a second.) has now won the official federal stamp of approval. …”

Just last week Betsy said Common Core was “dead.”

It all depends on what “dead” means, I guess.

The irony is that so many states have dropped PARCC that only 5 or 6 still use it.

Betsy must be trying to breathe new life into a dying test.

So much for Trump’s pledge to kill Common Core.