Rachel Levy is a blogger, a parent of children in Virginia public schools, and a public education activist, though not in that order.

In this post, she explains why she is supporting Lt. Governor Ralph Northam in the Democratic run-off for Governor on June 13.

Northam’s opponent Tom Periello is presenting himself as a progressive, and he has been endorsed by Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. But Levy points out that Periello was DFERs “Reformer of the Month” in 2010. Has he changed? He hast said so.

Levy writes:

“Almost every state-level office holder, Virginia’s senators, and most if not all of Virginia’s Democratic members of the U.S. House have endorsed Ralph Northam. The Perriello campaign tries to dismiss this as “back room establishment.” First of all, that’s dismissive of individual voters like me who support Northam and implies that we can’t think for ourselves. Second, um, those members of the “back room establishment” are the people who have actually done the nitty gritty (and super important) local- and state-level work that Perriello hasn’t and who are closest to constituents. You know who’s even more establishment and even more distant from Virginia voters? The Obama officials who all endorsed Perriello. It doesn’t get much more centrist establishment than John Podesta.”

Levy says she will vote for whichever Democrat wins the run-off.