One of the strange ideas in the privatization movement is that only charters are able to provide “high-quality seats.”

There seems to be a magical place where charter operators go to buy chairs that are unavailable to public schools.

Only charter operators can buy those chairs. Those chairs are “high-quality seats.”

The Citybridge Education Foundation in D.C., financed by billionaires Katherine and David Bradley, is putting up the money to add new charter schools and to help revamp some low-performing public schools in the District, in search of those elusive “high-quality seats.”

What is it about those “high-quality seats”? Does that mean the teachers are ill-prepared Teach for America recruits? Does that mean that the school gets to exclude low-performing students or students whose disability status and language needs make them a “bad fit” for “high-quality seats”?

Where is the warehouse where they keep those “seats”?